Membership Policy

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Terms & Conditions

You are no longer a costumer, you're a member! As a member with the privilege to have access to this remedy is important you understand what Hapé is.


Keep in mind the following;

For the native indigenous people of the Amazon this remedy requires for any user to engage in full spiritual understanding that this is not a commercial good, this is a sacred remedy that requires extreme respect and seriousness.


The families that we work closed and produce the Hapé have accentuate that this is not a recreational remedy, is not to be mixed in a non-sacred/ spiritual space. Please be advice and respect this words, as they are the words directly from the guardians and makers of this remedy. The path of the warrior requires discipline of truthfully seeking your personal spiritual power, if engaged in non spiritual space or mixed with other substances can have serious spiritual consequences. You are responsible to educate yourself about this remedies. Be advised.


Age To place an order the MEMBER must be 19+ years of age or older. Every order is therefore considered to be submitted in compliance to this condition.