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Kambo Ceremony Reservation

Kambo Ceremony Reservation

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Kambo Amazonian Cleansing Ceremony

*Please select the date you wish to reserve

Kambo, Toad or Vaccine of the jungle. All these are names that are given to the secretion of an arborifera frog that lives in the northwestern part of the Amazon jungle (Peru, Colombia and Brazil). Its scientific name is 'Phyllomedusa bicolor' or 'Giant Monkey Frog'. It is used to be free of Panema (name given to negative things) as well as for the magic of hunting; and as a powerful medicine against malaria, snake bites, yellow fever and other epidemic diseases.

Scientific investigation

In the 1980s the Italian scientist nominated for the Nobel Prize Vittorio Erspamer, from the University of Rome, affirmed that the Kambo contains a fantastic chemical cocktail, with possible medical applications, unmatched by any other amphibian.

These peptides have a strong analgesic effect, improve resistance, increase physical strength and in general, improve the ability to withstand pain and stressful situations. They have a medicinal potential that facilitates digestion, and analgesic effects.

With the Kambo there is the opportunity to awaken the body in its natural potency. People who regularly receive this "vaccine" do not get sick and have a lot of energy. Restoring the natural balance avoids the appearance of ailments induced by different viruses.

To obtain the best results, it is advisable to receive the vaccine of Kambo 3 times in one lunar cycle. In the case of serious illnesses, accumulated toxins, addictions of pharmaceutical drugs, it may be useful to receive twice the treatment for a while.

With this medicine the body has the opportunity to heal itself.

Spiritual Aspects

In his article, Kambo, the Spirit of the Shaman, Marcelo Gomes writes that the Kambo establishes a realignment of the chakras, a mark for the organic and psychological reorganization, from which the person changes their health patterns.

Kambo is a fire medicine. When combined with water that is drunk before treatment, an alchemical transformation occurs and old toxins are released through vomiting or urgent defecation.

This cleansing process works not only physically but also spiritually. The frog, by connecting us with our natural wisdom reflects our negative habits and shows us what we should avoid and what we can do to improve our condition. During the treatments with Kambo, we receive insights. The messages given by the Kambo can be very simple.

The Kambo gives us the energy that we normally do not have but that we need for our spiritual path. By removing Panema's cloud around our energy field we become more open to receiving from the Spirit.

The Kambo also works very well in combination with sacred plants such as Ayahuasca, especially before or after a ceremony, as it prepares the body for a harmonious and smooth experience.

Kambo Session

In the session of Kambo you will experience a rapid reaction in your Nervous System (sympathetic and parasympathetic).During cleaning you may experience sweating and vomiting. The session lasts between 30 minutes to 1 hour. The intense part lasts between 5 to 30 minutes, and once completed you can continue your activities freely.


- Fill out the Medical form ---

-It is necessary to fast with water with 5 hours of anticipation.

-Drink two liters of water before the session.

- Be comfortably dressed.

-Decide where the points will apply. These are small burns that are done with a wooden wand on the skin.

-Maintain the preparatory diet

Restrictions on Participation

The taking of Kambo is restricted to pregnant women, people with cardiovascular, cardiac problems, severe hypertension, psychopathologies, certain psychiatric diagnoses, fractures or recent surgeries, acute infectious diseases, epilepsy and / or combination with any type of drug. (natural or synthetic). Those people who are in treatment with: Antidepressants: SSRIS, MAOS; pills to lose weight, antihypertensive, asthma and flu medications, antifungals, nervous system depressants. These medications should be discontinued at least 15 days before the intake.In case of psychiatric medication or that act in the central nervous system it is absolutely necessary to consult.


Kambo session will follow the Lunar cycle

Contribution per Circle is $100 Full Lunar Cleanse (3 sessions in 1 lunar cycle) is $275

***Registration is required for this event as there are limited spaces.***

For any questions please email


Summary of the article by Giovanni Lattanzi.References1) P. Gorman, "Making magic" by Omni, July 19932) Marcelo Gomes Bolshow, 'Kambo El Espíritu del Chamán'3) "Ruolo dei peptidi antimicrobici nell'immmunita 'innata', Universita 'di Roma. Articles and essaysS. A. (1984) Ph.D. doctoral thesis (Columbia University, New York).V. Erspamer, G. and F. Cei, J. M. (1986) Comp. Biochem. Physiol. C 85, 125-137."Sostanze bioattive: dalla pelle di amphibio al cervello umano", Accademia delle Scienze, Roma Universita 'di, La Sapienza, 1987

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