Amazonian 13 Sampler Pack
Amazonian 13 Sampler Pack
From the Amazon Forest Handmade and fairly sourced from the indigenous villages in Acré, Brazil.
Tribe - Hapé type
Apurina - Awiry
Caboclo - Paricå
Hunikuin - Cacau, 7 Ervas
Katukina - Eucalipto
Kantanawa - Samauma, Veia de Paje
Nukini - Rosas Brancas, 7 Estrelas
Shawadawa - Kapayuba
Yawanawa- Forca Femenina
Forcå - Jurema, Pau Pereira
Hapé pronounced ‘ha-pey’s is a sacred shamanic medicine that has been used by healers of the Amazon basin for thousands of years and has become an essential part of their tribal culture and history (Stanfill
et al. 2015). Hapé is a complex blend of pulverized plants, which usually contain a strong tobacco, Nicotiana rustica and sometimes also Nicotiana tabacum, as one of the main ingredients. Given the potency of the tobacco, Nicotiana rustica, which is 20 times stronger than Nicotiana tabacum, Hapé can elicit mind alerting effects (Stanfill et al. 2010).
A Hapé ritual typically involves a mutual administration by two persons. The blend is blown high up into the nostrils with a pipe made from bamboo or bone. The intense blow immediately focuses the mind, stops the chattering, and opens the entire freed mind space for your intentions. Furthermore, Hapé helps releasing emotional, physical, and spiritual illnesses and eases negativity and confusion, enabling a thorough grounding of your mind.
Every medicinal plant is considered by indigenous tribes as a sacrament and as a prayer or intention. We recommend to use this sacred medicine, Hapé , in an environment that is honoring the plant for its teaching and healing abilities. Incense, crystals, chumpi stones, tribal music, and nature, create a perfect space for a meditation and reflective Hapé use. Also, it is very essential to aim your mind and prepare an intention before embracing Hapé ; sit in silence and aim your mind before you get started. This intention can be focused on insights, physical healing, energetic healing, or anything that necessitates healing or clarity in your life. Once you found an intention, ask the universe or the spirit world to help you through that process. Thereafter, the receiver deeply inhales the medicine, first through the left nostril, which symbolizes death. Afterwards, Hapé is applied to the right side, which represents rebirth. After the experience, it is best to remain with the eyes closed, while inhaling and exhaling slowly, enabling a thorough grounding and maintenance of focus. Try not to put your experience into words while grounding, rather try to concentrate on your thoughts and energy that is released by the medicine.
OUR Hapé :
The most important part of our sacrament is the integrity that comes with, working closely with the Families in Acre, Brazil were most of our Hapé is produced, each batch carefully crafted and sang evoking the power of the Spirit of this Medicine for the ultimate healing effect.
We consider this Medicine a Sacrament, and we hope is seen with eyes of respect and trust towards our fellow brothers and sister from the Amazon forest who make it. We feel that this special plant should be spiritually studied and this is why we offer it to the people who show the interest and seeks for it, this is why you require a password to access it, that password is your interest of growing spiritually.
When sharing this or any other type of medicine or sacrament always invite people to make their own research and when you initiate someone you are partially responsible for their first steps in education with this plant.
"With Love I give
With Love I receive"
-Mestre Irineu
Hapé is a sacred medicine and ought to be used with respect and good intentions. We strongly discourage the combined use with alcohol or other drugs. Remember to not swallow the blend, but blow your nose carefully and spit out the remains. Due to the tobacco content of most Hapé mixtures, a compulsive use can lead to dependence and can cause heart disease, stroke, atherosclerosis, and other vascular diseases. Therefore, you should never use Hapé during pregnancies.
The information provided is purely meant for historical, scientific and educational purposes and should never be interpreted as a recommendation for a specific use. The use and application of this product is at the person's decision, responsibility and risk.
This products are not certified by the FDA neither Health Canada for human consumption. They are sold for incense and soap making purposes, decorative purposes and/or legitimate ethnobotanical research. Our products are not sold and intended for human consumption. The information given about the plants is for academic purposes only and not intended to be used medically. House of Energy Inc., its suppliers, agents, employees and distributors cannot be held accountable for any misuse of the products offered.
The video below are the Sacred chants used by the Yawanawa tribe and make an excellent addition to your ceremonies and meditation with Hapé.